
Getting closer in the road of a regulatory framework for hyperloop operation

  • The European Commission takes important step to have a hyperloop regulatory framework ready by 2030. 
  • This milestone has been possible thanks to the collaboration of all members of the hyperloop ecosystem.

On October 18, 2022 the European Commission made public the workplan of the regulatory framework of 2023, including the development of a regulatory pan European framework for hyperloop. This is a key milestone for the hyperloop ecosystem, as it will allow to create a scope considering safety, sustainability, and interoperability as the main criteria to operate.  

Since its inception in 2016, Zeleros has been promoting the creation of a regulatory framework for hyperloop to reach seamless trans-European connectivity, and a reduced emissions transportation contributing to achieve the ambitious sustainable development goals on time.  

This significant leap forward towards having regulation for hyperloop has been possible thanks to the joint contribution of all the hyperloop ecosystem. Like Zeleros (from Spain), Hardt Hyperloop (from the Netherlands), Nevomo (from Poland), TransPod (from Canada, with offices in Italy and France), Swisspod (from Switzerland) and Hyperloop TT and Virgin Hyperloop One (from the USA with offices in Europe) have worked towards this same goal. 

In some words, the explanation of what this announcement represents by Luz Smith, Standardization & Regulation Manager at Zeleros with more than 20 years of experience in standardization and regulatory affairs in the industrial and mobility sectors. 

Why  is  the  European Commission  announcement  to  start  hyperloop  regulatory  works  important?   

Hyperloop needs regulation to become a reality. That is why the inclusion of hyperloop into the mobility package of the European Commission Work Programme for 2023 is a very relevant step forward. 

Between 2020 and 2021 a first report for the maturity and possibilities of regulation of the hyperloop was drafted. The next logical step has been preparing the impact assessment, expected to be completed by Q3 of 2023, which will be the triggering point to have regulation in place. 

To start the commercialization of hyperloop, a certification and approval process needs to be in place, and that shall be via the regulatory requirements. The inclusion of hyperloop in the 2023 mobility package represents a milestone to have a framework to test and approve the first full scales hyperloop prototypes.  


How  has  the  Zeleros’  work  contributed  to  this  important  milestone  for  the  ecosystem?    

Zeleros has been working from the very beginning with the European Commission and Shift2Rail in setting a regulatory framework for hyperloop, as well as with the European Standardization Bodies, being one of the promoters of the creation of the Technical Standardization Committee JTC 20. Zeleros is aware of the importance of setting regulations and rules for the correct and scalable development, approval, production and commercialization of hyperloop. 

The task is ambitious, as hyperloop being a new disruptive technology, the framework had to be started from scratch, but the ecosystem is agile and working with common goals, which has been instrumental to move forward to a regulatory framework.

Zeleros participates with the European Commission and Shift2Rail through specific working group of hyperloop developers. 

Zeleros' hyperloop regulatory framework image

June 2018. First industrial agreement signed with hyperloop promoters of Europe and Canada, kickstarting conversations at European Commission level, involving entities such as DG Move, Joint Research Center, DG Research, European Railway Agency, EASA and the European countries.  

February 2020. The world’s first standardization committee created at CEN/CENELEC level promoted by Spain’s UNE and the Netherlands, and the Polytechnical University of Madrid led a project in Shift2Rail (now Europe’s Rail) called Hypernex to define the roadmap of hyperloop in Europe, involving all stakeholders.  

December 2020. Hyperloop listed in EU Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. 

November 2021. Hyperloop included in Europe’s Rail JU 2bn€ railway innovation programme. 

October 2022. initiation of works on the regulatory framework are announced by the European Commision.  

2023. First standards on hyperloop to be published. Impact assessment from the European Commission to be completed.  


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