7 years
of hyperloop development program
+15M €
Invested R&D and technology demonstrators
Achieved in 2 propulsive technological platforms
Global Reach
Strong positioning among the global hyperloop ecosystem
Pioneers in Hyperloop
We are global leaders in hyperloop vehicle propulsion
Founded in 2016, Zeleros is one of the pioneering companies with the vision to bring hyperloop to the market. The company is developing two propulsion technology platforms that will be exploited under the hyperloop commercial programs to be launched in the next decade.
Our services

Electro-Magnetic Launcher
Zeleros has designed a Linear Motor at TRL 5 level able to accelerate vehicles at high speeds. We cover the design, manufacturing, and integration of the whole system.
What We Do
Design, Manufacturing & Integration
For a given operating condition (distance for acceleration, vehicle weight, etc.) we design and deploy the entire hardware of the launcher system.
System Control
The control of the system is key. At Zeleros we design it tailored to your needs to ensure the system’s safety and performance
Active Levitation Systems
Zeleros has designed an active levitation system technology at TRL 4, that is capable of efficiently lifting heavy weights, guiding them thanks to an autonomous robotic interface. We cover the design, manufacturing & integration.
What We Do
Levitation Architecture
Combination of permanent magnets and electromagnets arranged in a way that the weight per unit of power is maximized.
System Control
The control of the system is key to guarantee maximum performance and safety levels during the navigation of the system
Electric Power Unit
Zeleros has designed an electric drivetrain technology that allows ultra-high speed operations in low-pressure environments. Our strategic focus relies on the battery and drivetrain design, manufacturing, integration, and control.
What We Do
Battery end-to-end development
We develop balanced battery packs with high energy and volumetric energy densities for optimal hyperloop or aerospace applications
EPU integration and control dynamics
We cover the development of whole drivetrains for high-speed vehicles’ operation in low-pressure environments.

Feasibility Studies
To assess the viability of a hyperloop route in a given territory based on relevant factors such as population, economic activities, value created, geopolitics, etc.
What We Do
Route techno-economic analysis
We analyze in detail the feasibility of implementing a hyperloop route in a territory by taking into account orographic, technical, social, and economical parameters to ensure an optimal return of investment.
Route capacity operation simulation
Through our propietary tool, we provide an accurate estimation of the system capacity, potential limitations, fleet estimation, OPEX, and CAPEX calculation for a given route.
Longest Linear
Motor made in Spain
1MW Hyperloop e-Propulsion Unit Concept
Hyperloop Powertrain Prototype
Hyperloop Levitation Guiding System
Interested in any of our services?