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HYPERMAT – New materials and technology for hyperloop infrastructure

One of the challenges of hyperloop relies on the sustainability of the infrastructure. High-demanding requirements in terms of design present a barrier for feasibility. 

HyperMat aims to develop and validate experimentally materials and solutions for the hyperloop infrastructure, more precisely the tubular structure, braking, levitation and guidance.

The project presents a number of technology innovations in new materials beyond the current state of the art. Such innovations can be summarised as follows:

– A tube envelope based on sustainability criteria, using steel as the main material due to its recyclability, with integration of photovoltaic solar cells for energy generation to be used for the vacuum, communication and signalling systems.

– New and disruptive multi-metallic products for hybrid application in levitation, guidance and braking. In HyperMat, new multi-metallic materials are developed to fulfil magnetic repulsion present in light metals such as aluminium, together with resistance to friction braking attrition in steel.

– New grades of steel suited to the hyperloop levitation system in the tube. This is based on a combination of permanent magnets with the possibility to adjust the strength by using coils (electromagnets).

– New grades of stell specifically tuned to the magnetic and friction braking system, capable to fulfil the demanding conditions of braking ultra-high-speed vehicles (>500km/h).

– Design and implement a lab testing prototype for levitation and braking materials capable to test at ultra-high-speeds (>500km/h) in a relevant environment.

Acronym: HyperMat 

Title: Development of materials and technology for hyperloop infrastructure.

ID: CPP2021-008690 

Budget: 896.436,13 € 

Duration: 36 months (01/05/2022 – 30/04/2025) 

Programme: Public-private partnership projects 2021 – NGEU 

Partners: Arcelor Mittal, Zeleros, Idonial Fundation, Universidad de Oviedo (UNIOVI) 


Funding: Project CPP2021-008690 is financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union-NextGenerationEU/PRTR. 


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