Valencia, 18th March 2021.
Zeleros has presented an impressive six meter long vehicle demonstrator that will be exhibited from October 2021 to March 2022 at Expo Dubai 2020 (2021). The opening ceremony was held at the Science Museum of the futuristic “City of Arts and Sciences” in Valencia, with the presence of Mr. Pedro Duque, Ministry of Science and Innovation and former astronaut of the European Space Agency, Ximo Puig, the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, relevant industry and research partners and project sponsors such as Valencia World Capital of Design 2022.
The vehicle shows the main technologies of the Zeleros hyperloop transport system, which stands out for its scalability, since it includes most of the technologies integrated in the vehicle (and not in the infrastructure) that will make long-distance routes profitable and energy-efficient, connecting cities like Barcelona with Paris in a matter of minutes, at speeds of up to 1000km/h.
For six months (from October 2021 to March 2022) and with the theme “Connecting minds, building the future”, the Universal Exhibition will become a privileged event to intensify the country brand, and a unique platform for business and cultural diplomacy , scientific and technological. The Expo, structured in three thematic areas: Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability, plans to gather more than 200 country participants and attract more than 25 million visitors.
Zeleros’ hyperloop vehicle, manufactured by the Valencian studio Océano Naranja, will be exhibited in the Spain Pavilion (managed by Acción Cultural Española, the public company responsible for the presence of Spain in International and Universal Exhibitions), whose architectural design is the work of of the Amman-Cánovas-Maruri studio (Extremas Temperatures Architects SLP), and its motto “Intelligence for life” synthesizes the Pavilion’s priority communication objectives: our ingenuity, innovation capacity and our desire to preserve a good quality of life in the planet, for us and for generations to come.
Zeleros’ unveiling event marks the beginning of Zeleros’ vehicle “Road to Dubai”, a series of initiatives that will raise awareness on the benefits of hyperloop and will offer the opportunity to Spanish organizations that seek to promote their presence and visibility in the Middle East region of being able to join Zeleros in this adventure as sponsors of the initiative.
The vehicle will be exhibited until the 2nd May at Valencia’s Science Museum together with a 30 meter panel that describes the origins of hyperloop, the state-of-the-art and the future potential to decarbonize intercity mobility of passenger and cargo.